
Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Happy one hundred days of school!

Congratulations and well done Room 14.
What super number work and counting you have been doing on the way to getting to 100 days of school in 2016.

A BIG congratulations to the two boys who have been to school for each and every one of those 100 days.  Tu meke boys!
They were awarded gold medals and certificates for such a great achievement.

Today our learning was focused on counting to 100 in different ways and making one hundred.
Here are some children making bead strings with one hundred beads on them.  
We put the beads on in groups of ten so we could skip count forwards or back or show a number on our strings more quickly.

We also made 100 day crowns using ten strips of paper, each with ten stickers on them.  We know that ten groups of ten is 100.

Our most exciting activity was playing the 
pass the parcel game that had tickets inside it.  The tickets had numerals and words for numbers between 0 and 100 that we needed to place on our imaginary number line.

We are getting very good at ordering and saying the numbers that come before and after numbers up to 100.

Counting out 100 objects.
Putting  our 100 objects in equal groups.

Groupings of two.
Groupings of ten.

We love maths in Room 14.  We are always happy to share our learning.  So do ask us to share what we know with you.  


  1. Wow what an exciting way to learn all about 100 !!
    I wish that there had been a lego club when I was at school.
    Room 14 rocks.


  2. Talofa and Kia Orana to all our Cook Island children /families during Cook Island language week, week 2 of term 3...
    Wow, i just love the busy and happy faces that can be seen in Room 14 during their focus on Celebrating 100 days of School.....
    looks like you were having a party of some sort every day this week room 14!!!:)
    Happy children, happy faces, means everybodys awesome and learning...Even learning wearing your pajamas is a fun way to learn....
    Well done, and have a great term 3 of learning and caring and sharing....

  3. Wow! What wonderful learning opportunities. Fantastic to see all of your fun maths learning activities. Great work by your teachers and great learning Room 14.


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