
Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Welcome to the Class of 2016!

What a great start we have had to the year in Room 14.  We are getting to know each other and learn the class routines that will enable optimum learning.

What a wonderful group we are.

Our challenge this week is to have every child bring and wear a sun hat. Parents please help your child to remember to pack one everyday.

A big welcome to Ms Martelli (pictured above) who will be spending time with us through out the year. She is visiting us as part of her studies with the University of Auckland.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Piper is very happy to be in room 14 this year. She wants to learn lots and lots. Piper loves her teachers.

  3. Paula enjoys his everyday in room 14, thank you Mrs chester and the group of teachers that help Paula in his reading..good work room 14


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