
Thursday, 23 June 2016

The Magical World of Crazy Science

What an exciting show we watched today.
We saw physics and chemistry in action.

Here are a few photos to help us share our experience with family and friends.  

Please ask us questions about what we noticed and what we are left wondering about.
Science is so much fun!

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Wonderful Wig Wednesday

Here we are in our wigs, ready to join the rest of the school for the parade.

Well done Room 14.  You participated so well in this event and contributed to raising money with the rest of our school, for a very worthy cause.  The Child Cancer Foundation plays a very important role in supporting children with cancer and their families, in their time of need.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Wig Making

Yesterday we planned, constructed and completed our wigs to wear to the Wig Wednesday Parade being held next week.

This is a national event, supporting the Child Cancer Foundation. Don a wig and bring a gold coin to support this appeal.

Here are a few clues into some of the creative looks that will be paraded next week.

Caleb's careful creation of curls.

Maher's paper folding to make frizzy rainbow hair.

Sultan's threading of laces to make a long blue haired wig.

Shahmeer prepares his long black locks by cutting lengths of wool.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

AFL Coaching

Our class have been enjoying learning ball skills and playing games in our weekly AFL sessions. 
The children are developing in their confidence and skill with handling the ball.
Their favourite warm up game is called 'toilet tag'.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

World Environment Day

What are some things we can do at home and school to care for our environment?

Class discussions supported us to see that there are things each of us can do everyday to care for our environment  and planet earth.

 Reduce, reuse and recycle are key ideas we explored.

After discussions we converted our classroom into a cinema and went to the 'movies'.  

Charlie and Lola helped us explore the reduce, reuse and recycle ideas.

Watch the clip on YouTube together as a family and discuss how you could apply the reduce, reuse and recycle philosophy in your home.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not."

It's A Rainbow

Room 14 have enjoyed the rainbows that have arched over NWS  recently.  We learnt the song 'It's a rainbow' and performed it at the whole school assembly on Friday.

Room 14 children enjoy many music and movement songs as part of their classroom experience.  We are always happy to share our favourites with others.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Junior Cross Country

The weather was kind to us today.  We enjoyed a run in the sun, with a dollop or two of mud as well.

Congratulations Room 14.  Everyone displayed the New Windsor values as participants and observers of the races. You all did your best and had fun doing it too.

Congratulations to our top place getters.
First place for five year old girls - Piper 
First place for five year old boys - Sean
Second place for six year old boys - Sultan

Thanks to our wonderful families who cheered our runners on.  We appreciated your support and encouragement.

Darcy's Mum followed the instructions he gave her beautifully and came with her 'Go Darcy' sign.  

A day in the life of a Coastguard

We were very spoilt to have a session with Coastguard volunteer, Maria Heer.

She presented a fantastic interactive session to our class yesterday.  We learnt about what a coastguard does and how we can be safe out at sea.

Her key message was ...
wear a life jacket and...,
make sure it fits! 

We tried on a range of life jackets.
A fun and learning rich session.

Thanks Maria!